ISR Foundation

Empowering disadvantaged

International students

Mental Health support

We tailor programs designed to help international students with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. We have the resources and tools necessary for the students to learn coping strategies and invite them to a safe space so they can feel comfortable to talk about their mental health.


The students will explore topics such as self-awareness, mental health, emotional intelligence, and general wellbeing so that they can thrive in any environment, regardless of what life throws at them. We want to make the students understand that seeking help or reaching out is nothing to be ashamed of, in fact it requires even more strength to tell people I am not okay.

Financial support

To provide financial support to vulnerable and at-risk students. This service is for students who are experiencing financial hardship due to a job loss or other financial matters. We will provide financial assistance such as tuition fees, psychological, and counselling fee.

Domestic violence

Domestic violence can be in the form of physical, emotional, financial, psychological, and verbal. We provide support services to students who have experienced or at risk of domestic violence in their life. We will also help prevent domestic violence from happening in the student’s community via running workshops and awareness programs. If you know someone is going through domestic abuse, encourage them to seek help.

Ready to seek help?