ISR Foundation

Empowering disadvantaged international students in Australia.

We provide tools and services like mental health support, financial support, and domestic violence support.

We want students to thrive, so they can go out there and chase their dreams.

Welcome to ISR Foundation

which is a non-profit organisation ultimately built to empower education for International Students Australia.

International students need love, care, and a listening ear to which we have seen, heard, and felt through many powerful stories, especially here in Australia.

Our goal is to create a community and a safe haven for the students where they feel a sense of belonging and feel free to express themselves. Our experience shows that, given access and opportunity, there is no limit to what all students can achieve.

Our Services

We support disadvantaged international students


Mental Health support


Financial support


Domestic violence

Our Objective

Our main objective is to support disadvantaged international students


Providing funding for mental health program/psychologist appointments


Providing funding assistance for student tuition


Supporting international students

Awareness Programs

Support students with domestic violence

Ready to help change the lives of international students?