ISR Foundation

Every great achiever is inspired

by a great mentor

ISR Foundation Peer Mentoring Program

When students sign up to the peer mentoring program, they can benefit from valuable lessons from their mentors and gain insight to best adjust and adapt to uni or college life in Australia.


The program duration is three months with two fortnightly online or face to face sessions a month. The students will be matched to their mentors based on career goals, common interests, and background. This program is available to all new international students Australia wide.


These mentoring programs can help students foster personal development as well as make it easier for them to transition a life here in Australia with understanding the work culture.

Who are ISR mentors?

ISR Mentors are local and international students as well as professionals volunteering their time to help navigate and support new international students. The mentors will provide students their perspectives, share their personal experiences, and challenges they faced as a student.

Mentorship Program

Are you an International Student who would like to be part of this program?

Expression of Interest for Mentor

Ready to start your transformation Journey?

Thanks for showing us an interest in joining this program and help make a difference.
ISR is looking for – both international and domestic students/professional – to be involved in this program.

If you think you’re suited to this role, please take a few moments to fill out the form to be considered.